December 4, 2015 – Det var Mørkt i Dag, men Nu Se Jeg Sol

-translation: It was dark today, but Now I See the Sun


I’ve been sleeping in all week, accidentally missing one class, while the rest of my morning lessons were canceled. Because of this, it was extremely unsettling walking to the bus this morning in the pitch darkness in order to make my 7:44 S-tog (train). I tried to read on the train to appreciate my last few days of the commute, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open and resorted to a half-wakeful nap. The sun is peeking out of the clouds now, though! Maybe I’ll have a pretty view from the plane as I fly out to Amsterdam this afternoon.


Today was the last day of class, and it’s really hitting me hard. I also had a heart-to-heart with Sara Jensen last night about what I’ve learned, what I’ve loved, what I’ll miss, etc. It’s heart-breaking! Plus, the past few days of class have actually just been mini-feasts with each set of peers and teachers. In Danish, we even did a gift exchange, and for Creative Travel Writing, we walked to a buffet downtown! DIS, man. I’m telling you.


I told Sara last night that the thing I would miss most is travelling (and my host family, of course!) But it’s different, because missing people is one thing, while missing a way of life is something… bigger. I can talk to Sara and Maria on Facebook, and we may even visit each other in future years, but who knows when I will get another chance to come back to Europe. The likelihood that I will ever spend another four months here is next to nothing, though I’m thinking I’ll have to find a way to make it happen somehow.


I’ve just become so adventurous in the past year! I feel like I can do anything, tackle any challenge, take on big changes, throw out all my material possessions (I won’t, but I could!), and start a new life, because that is basically what I’ve done in the past few months.


In just sixteen short weeks, I’ve explored major cities in TEN different countries:

  1. Denmark: Copenhagen, Birkerød, Allerød, Hillerød, Roskilde, Helsingør
  2. Germany: Hamburg
  3. Sweden: Stockholm, Malmö
  4. Italy: Rome
  5. Iceland: Reykjavik
  6. France: Paris, Lille
  7. Norway: Trondheim
  8. UK: London
  9. Belgium: Brussels
  10. Netherlands: Amsterdam, Leiden *soon to be completed

IS THAT INSANE, OR IS THAT INSANE?! I also have a passport stamp from Toronto, Canada, but I don’t think that one counts since I didn’t leave the airport. (Same with Frankfurt, Germany on the way home.)


I have now been to more countries than I have been to states in the US. (Twelve countries and nine states if you count D.C.) I just can’t wrap my head around this. I have always felt so unworldly and jealous of those who had the opportunities to explore other lands, my mom included. Now, off nothing more than a whim and a strange, misguided determination, I have become one of the “Been-tos.” This is a term from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel Americanah, and it is used to represent a club of people who have returned to Nigeria after travelling and living abroad. They meet-up every couple of weeks to discuss the outside world and all the bores and dullness of home. “Ugh. I’ve been-to Pennsylvania, and the food there was so much better…” “Have you been-to London? Art there was so much more prevalent.” etc. I feel like I’ll need to start one of these clubs of my own, or I’ll go mad keeping it all inside me! A completely normal conversation to have with a classmate here follows this basic pattern:

“Did you go anywhere last week, or did you just stay in Copenhagen?”

“Oh, I went to Rome and Iceland. It was amazing! You have to go to Iceland if you get the chance.”

“Oh my gosh, I’m actually meeting a friend there next weekend! It’s one of the girls I went to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest with a few weeks ago. I’m so excited.”




Seriously?! How is that even real life?! Sorry. I know this post is scattered and rant-ish, but I’m basically just spilling out random thoughts about my semester because I can’t come to terms with it being over.


The title of this post is reflective of my mood as well as the weather, though. For the past couple weeks, I’ve been really sad about leaving Europe, doing my best not to think about it and explore as much as possible before going home. But the more I think about it, the more excited I get about coming home to Christmas. It will be so great to cuddle up on the couch with my dog and watch The 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family (provided we haven’t changed cable deals again?) and bake Christmas cookies with my mom. I’ll visit all my friends at school who have been having way too much fun without me, and I’ll get to finally see my sister’s dorm room in person, not just over Skype or Viber. I’ll celebrate missed birthdays and dole out souvenirs. I’ll have my first legal drink in the States, as long as someone else pays. (I’m still a stickler. Give me the free water!) I have plans to force my brother into re-teaching me Munchkin and bragging to my dad about my successful turkey-roasting experience. I’LL WRAP MY PRESENTS AND THE UNDERSIDE OF THE TREE WILL BE BEAUTIFUL. That’s what I’m most looking forward to, though I am worried about how well my things will fit in my suitcases under the weight limit.


*sigh. Talk about bittersweet. Like this chocolate I’m eating.


I’ll also miss Danish. It has been positively amazing and eye-opening to study a language while being surrounded by it. I’m sad to leave though, because I am just now getting the hang of it! The Danish language has been my greatest cultural connection to Denmark, and it has made me feel most at home in Europe. Less conspicuously American and more of a shy Scandinavian. When I go home, there will be no hiding where I’m from!


Okay. I’m distracted by my chocolate now and can think of nothing else deep to say, so I guess I’ll end it here. Sorry for the anti-climax.


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


November 27, 2015 – I’m Practically a Dane at this Point, and Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s true. I may still find it an absolute pain to type English on Danish keyboards (though admittedly it is mountains easier to type in Danish on Danish keyboards… no Google-copy-pasting the æ, ø, and å), but I feel quite at home here. Crazy that I will be going Home home in just TWO WEEKS AND A FEW HOURS. GET READY, AMERICA.


The reason I am in such a jittery and CAPITAL mood is that I just finished my oral Danish exam. Man. I was nervous as a cockroach. (Assuming those things are nervous.) I was second out of the class, and we had to have a conversation in Danish with our teacher while another Danish teacher sat taking notes while simultaneously recording our conversation. Gah!!! I’ve been mumbling to myself all morning, and my host dad Jesper and host sister Maria were quizzing me over breakfast. (Hvordan har du i dag?  … Godt, men jeg er træat, fordi i går, holde jeg fest.) Jesper, at least, said he was impressed by my learning as much as I have without them speaking Danish around me at home. I am quite impressed, as well, let me tell you. I’m nervous, though, because I just realized that in the heat of the moment, I forgot to use any advanced vocabulary and sentence structures. I was just trying to have a natural conversation!!!!! Ugh… I’m really sad about it, but I’m hoping my fluency and conversational attitude made up for it. Cross your fingers.


Earlier this week, I was actually buying Maria a birthday present at a little jewelry boutique and had the longest and first real Danish conversation ever with a real Dane in a real Context and it made me real Happy. Normally, Danes hear my poor Danish pronunciations and immediately switch to English, despite my best efforts to practice out in the real world. This time, however, I was the only person in the store, and I guess the lady must have either just been really nice or really wanted to sell me something. Either way, she succeeded! At both! We talked about how I was getting something for my sister’s birthday (min søsters fødselsdag), what I was looking for, what color (guld, sølv). It was actually fantastic, and I was in a state of euphoria the whole time. I’m pretty sure my eyes were about as wide as my face would allow for the greater part of the conversation, but she never switched to English. Not once! My Danish failed me when I finally decided on a necklace (uh….. that one…). I kicked myself internally, but she pretended not to notice. Then as she was ringing me up, she said, “Danish is hard, huh?” (But in Danish of course. I just can’t remember her exact phrasing.) She is basically my new bestie. I was failed yet again when she said, Hav an god dag, and I forgot how to say, “You too.” So I did the next best thing and ran away. Baby steps. Baby steps.


Alrighty. Current events. Maria’s birthday was on Tuesday, so she’s a whopping seventeen!!! Can’t believe she’s younger than my brother. That night, instead of joining her birthday dinner, though, I had another Scan|Design event: Thanksgiving dinner! ‘Twas delicious and sustainable and local and I was way too full by the time I got home at midnight. Those Danes really like to take their time at dinner parties, let me tell you. The restaurant was called MadMad MadBodega. I originally thought they were crazy for using the same word three times, with some sort of restaurant stutter, but Tessa enlightened me and we were informed that two of the “Mad”s are actually Mads, which means “food” in Danish. Clever little buggers. Unfortunately, I just discovered that I have not a single picture from the event. We traded our coats for drinks as we walked in the door, and I left my phone in my pocket! You’ll just have to imagine the deliciousness I guess.


I found another alcohol I liked, too. Some sort of pink Champagne cousin. And we had to participate in a Thanksgiving trivia to decide who got to break the wish bones. There were two, and my team didn’t win either!


On Wednesday, Jackson and I had quite the adventures in København. First, we went on a field study with my European Art class to see a Japanese art exhibit at the Danish Design Museum. My teacher introduced him to the whole class and kept trying to get him to elaborate on his vast Japanese cultural knowledge.


I found this gem out in the lobby. The chair was cool, too.



Then we went on a field study with my Danish class. We watched “The Royal Affair,” a fantastic Danish movie about… a royal affair which took place between the Danish queen and the king’s personal physician some two hundred years ago. Apparently some of the affair took place about a ten minutes’ walk from my home in Birkerød at a little hunting cabin! Highly recommend the movie with subtitles!!! Afterwards, we had a tour of the Royal Stables and the reception rooms of Christiansborg Slot, conducted by none other than my Royalty teacher Stephen. Oh, Stephen…


The castle


One of the royal horses! They liked me. And they’re a special Portuguese breed which are born black and turn whiter with age to become more pure and noble. #knowledge


Thrones from the nineteenth century, I believe?


Her majesty the Queen with the Royal silver lions


Okay I thought this part was the coolest. The great hall of Christiansborg is lined with tapestries that were made about fifteen years ago. Normally I find tapestries horribly dull and boring, not least because of their lacking color schemes and solemn themes. But these guys! Wow. So modern and colorful and artsy! I love it! This one is actually depicting the family and characters involved in the Royal Affair!!!


To wrap up the night, we got some Danish pølsers and headed to Tivoli!







I gotta use up that silly season pass I bought, after all. It was fantastic. Tivoli is about a thousand times better when you do the rides. They are intensely ridiculous. We stayed away from the big coaster, because I couldn’t handle the loop-de-loops after all the other spinny and stomach-turning rides we went on. Right off the bat, we tried the ride I’ve been eyeing all year: one of those big swings, but it rises up to about the height of an Extreme Scream. Fifteen or twenty stories, maybe? I thought it would just offer a calm view of the park, but I was wrong. That swing was absolute madness. Madness. Madness. MadMad Madness. It was like the Extreme Scream except that instead of a single drop, we were enduring an endless whirlpool in mid-air, with no clue as to when it would stop, and it was raining, so I felt exactly as I’m sure Harry Potter felt during that one really nasty Quidditch match in his third year of school. The brooms helped, too:


Tehe. Just kidding. Those brooms were there for Halloween, and I stole this picture from Tessa went we went about a month ago. For the Christmas season, the chairs were just adorned with lights! And terror!


There were lots of other rides, including Jackson’s supposed first Ferris Wheel, a children’s carousel (the ride operator got quite the kick out of Jackson), and a water boat game where we had to compete to laser-shoot a bunch of light targets on our journey through a gold and diamond mine. At one point, there was a waterfall in the middle of our path, and they hadn’t warned us, and I had my book and phone with me! This was the result:


It was actually just a trick waterfall, and it turned off right before we went under. Those sneaky Danes…


Thursday was Thanksgiving, and I somehow landed the job as hostess. And guess what? WE COOKED A TURKEY. A REAL LIVE (not live. it was dead.) TURKEY. FROM FRANCE. The cleaning consisted mostly of me reading from the internet and yelling at Jackson while he responded with questions such as, “What are the giblets? Where? Where are they supposed to be? Which side is the head? There is no inside! Oh, these? Woah, what’s this?” It was pretty great. And it tasted great, too.


That’s my man… (He gave up and let one of the moms cut the turkey after he got past the drumstick.)


We had Mikayla and Tonia’s host families over too, and we organized it potluck-style. There were also four pies. Pure insanity, I tell you. And only two champagne glasses were broken! And I only broke one of them! Yay!


The night was actually such a success. We should have taken a group picture, but I didn’t think of it until just now! And Maria had to miss because of work. I was sad, but she was pretty excited for leftovers when she got home.






I made that Apple pie! Crust from scratch, of course!


I have one more class today, and then I’m going to run home, pack, bring Jackson back to Copenhagen, hang out with Brian from UW who is studying at NTNU with Jackson who is here right now, fly to Belgium, take a train to Lille, France, and sleep. Wow. Here we go….


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


November 20, 2015 – The Week Before London

Golly. Add a few points to the stresses of London. After missing that first bus, I purchased tickets for the next one, but the seats were given on a first-come-first-seated basis, regardless of what our tickets said, so I wasn’t seated until the next bus. When I finally got off, it turned out the stop was actually a FORTY MINUTE WALK away from my hostel (in the cold, unfamiliar, dark-as-night-because-uhm-it-kind-of-was-night territory of the outskirts of London). Plus, I was starving. Luckily, the poorly-placed bus stop was conveniently placed with regard to a reasonably-priced Asian restaurant. I’m talking no more than twelve steps. It was glorious. Plus, they always get Chinese take-out in the British movies, so it felt appropriately cultural.



Now I’m in the hostel waiting for Jackson, because he was supposed to arrive about two hours ago, and he still isn’t here, and I’m trying to simultaneously distract myself and keep myself awake. Here’s hoping it works and that he arrives soon…


Okay. I’m backtracking now all the way to last Monday the 16th. I had a busy week before I went to London, and I never got a chance to talk about it! So I’m taking a break, and I’ll tell you about London in the next post. Kay?


I think Monday was normal, as far as I can remember. I probably did lots of homework and made plans to do other things that didn’t happen. A nap may have also taken place.


Tuesday, however, was a whole bundle of fun. No sarcasm. Denae invited the homestay network over for a nondescript, celebratory dinner, which was kind of a Thanksgiving slash Danish Christmas slash Reunite After That First Homestay Event Event. It was great and delicious. I’ve come to really appreciate just how hard it is to stay in touch with people who are not already a part of your life for some other reason (ie: classes in common, same commute, same favorite st–woah. wordpress in London just underlined “favorite” with the red squiggle that means it’s spelled incorrectly, because they spell it “favourite.” this is great. wow. their keyboards are also different. the quote sign is where the @ sign should be. struggles.– Right. Same favorite study spot, etc.) Therefore, it was great to see some other Allerød and Birkerød people again.


The dinner was delicious, and the table was arranged so classily (my word)! Even the napkins were folded differently for each person.We had turkey, beef, roasted carrots and beets, scalloped potatoes, warm bread, gravy, salad…. Yes. ‘Twas a good time. And for dessert, we had ris a la mande, a traditional Christmas Danish dessert with a French name. It’s a rice pudding (the good kind) with a bunch of chopped-up almonds, and the person who finds the one whole almond in the bowl (there were two since there were so many of us) is supposed to hide it until all of the pudding is gone, reveal their find, and then get a prize. The prize was an advent calendar!!! I was jealous, since I’ll be missing the first twelve days of my fantastic, customary truffle-filled advent calendar Mom bought from starbucks so many years ago. (Why does British wordpress also think “Mom” is spelled incorrectly?)



We also did a gift exchange. Super great idea. Everybody puts their wrapped gift in the middle of the table, and their are multiple cups with dice in them (one per cup). It’s a mad speed round of rolling and passing, and if you roll a six, you get a gift from the middle, regardless of whether you already have one. I managed to have four of the twelve gifts by the end. Huzzah! Round two is the same, except when you roll a six, you get to steal a gift–physically. You have to actually get up and grab whichever gift you want so the rolling and passing can continue uninterrupted. I had five gifts at one point and ended with two. Then the people with multiple gifts keep their favorite and dole out the rest to those without. I got fluffy socks. #winning.



Wednesday was my Ultimate Adventure Day. First I had a field study with Royalty in the Land of Equality. We showed up at Roskilde Cathedral around 9am and got a tour by our professor, the amazing Stephen. It was so much better than when I tried to peek in the last time I was in Roskilde! (Granted, a service was happening last time, so I couldn’t do much exploring.)


The grave of the most recent king of Denmark, the father of the current Queen Margrethe II. He liked gardening and nature, so they broke tradition and put him outside the cathedral.


The inside!


A royal height chart, just like the one on my kitchen wall back home! It’s pretty hard to make out, but the very tallest one is Peter the Great. Tehe.


King Christian IV’s chapel, where he’s buried. The ceiling is painted with stars because he was very close to Tycho Brahe. Neat, huh?!


The pretty organ!


The three figures surrounding this tomb are known as the Little Mermaid’s sisters because they were created by the same sculptor.


Okay. This is where it gets weird. This is the model for the current queen’s chapel, where she will be buried. She and her husband, Prince Henrik, will actually be underground, but above them will be a set of steps, three pillars to represent Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, and a glass coffin/ oval thing with the silhouettes of the Queen and Prince. Creepy, if you ask me.


Afterward, Stephen took us to coffee at the same cafe that Jackson and I had tried out last time. I got ischokolade, hot chocolate with whipped cream and ice cream. HE-LLO.



More adventures ensued.



Certain that I would likely not venture to Roskilde again before the end of the semester (long journey), I seized my chance to explore the Viking Ship Museum. I learned a lot, too! Those crazy Danes found five ships form the 1000-1200s a few decades ago that had sunk to the bottom of this Viking blockade. They reconstructed the scraps, analyzed the crap out of them, and then rebuilt them from scratch. They tried to do it exactly like the Vikings, because again, the Danes are crazy. They used axes and tools and materials that the Vikings would have used. No modern machinery here. And after they had rebuilt these five giant sailing ships, some other crazy Danes went out and actually sailed them! To test the designing prowess of the Vikings, I guess. Seriously nuts.


The completed reconstructions


One of the original Viking ships (or what was left of it!)


Another angle of another ship


Me trying to not be lonely inside a model Viking ship. There was a giant shield and Viking costumes that I really wanted to pose with, but I was too embarrassed to ask anybody to photograph my single self.


Those red things are giant shields!


Just a typical Viking boat-constructing shed, where they were still at work creating another ship. Honestly, where do they find these rugged men who think it would be a good idea to act like Vikings and build gigantic sailing ships with axes and their own bare hands?


The sun had come out by this time, and I took my time to walk through the city a bit. I had nothing else planned that day, though I had dreams, certainly. I found myself in a fantastic little bookstore, grabbed a sample copy of a novel for free (in Danish), and convinced myself that I will get at least one novel in Danish before I return to the States. The covers are so cool, and that way I can brush up if ever I want to! (on Danish, that is)




A view of the Cathedral on my walk back to the station


Some pretty wreathes at the Roskilde Christmas market


Art in the town square


On the train home, I was debating whether I shouldn’t go the whole way and just go up to the Louisiana Museum by myself. I have been wanting to go back ever since I bought my season pass on my first visit, for goodness’ sake! But I was too tired and it was getting dark. I also really wanted to go to the ballet again (this time to see Swan Lake), but again with the tiredness. So I settled for going home to relax. I plopped down on my bed, opened– JACKSON IS FINALLY HERE AT THE HOSTEL. ONLY 2.25 HOURS AFTER HE SAID HE WOULD BE. I WASN’T WORRIED SICK OR ANYTHING. I’M FINE.– Right. So I got in bed and turned on my iPad, only to find an email from my core course teacher offering me free tickets to… The Danish Ballet. Performing Swan Lake. Wow. I had to go, obviously. I ate some food, packed a sandwich, and hopped on the train yet again.


Lights next to the metro station!


The ballet was strange. As per usual, it seems. The performance was not just Swan Lake. Oh, no, sir. They only performed the big meeting/tableau/showcasey scene, which lasts about 45 minutes. After intermission, the dancers came back on, sat in the raised orchestra pit, and performed a “choreographic concert.” This consisted of a sort of interplay between the dancers and this very complicated lecture given by a very old man that played every once in a while on a screen behind them. The “choreographer” was an American, and he sat at the conductor’s chair “conducting” the dancers to say and do the most ridiculous things sometimes. It was very interesting. Much more acting exercise than dance, if you ask me. It’s really hard to explain though, so I won’t try. But it was enjoyable, nonetheless. Can’t say no to free art!


I was tired as heck on Thursday, and sicker than before. My throat was throbbing, and I really, really, REALLY did not want to get out of bed, but I just HAD to go to the last day of my core class. We got clementines and cookies, at least. After that class, I had a three hour break, so I met up with some of the Iceland Gang for some studying (no studying occurred) coffee and hot chocolate. Prime choice.



Abbi and I explored some Christmas markets afterward!



“Everything is made of chocolate”


I thought I had taken the picture before Abbi made her way in, but I was wrong… So very wrong…



I raced back to Creative Travel Writing to hear a talk by a guest speaker, Nagieb Khaja. He’s an amazing Danish journalist who reports on extremely dangerous and active events and groups. He’s been embedded with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, he’s been to several different war zones, including Syria, and he has reported on the gang activities in Copenhagen. It was such an interesting and enlightening talk, and he linked the activities in Paris and the actions of IS all the way back to the first World War. He also kept asking us really serious questions about American military actions that we had no answers to. I asked him a question about objectivity in the kind of intense journalism he works with, and he went on to explain that staying objective and neutral is what keeps him safe when he is interviewing potentially dangerous people in highly tense situations. Very eye-opening.


Friday (sorry for so much stuff this week!) I had a field study with my Royalty class to the Amelienborg Museum. Our teacher Stephen works there as a curator of sorts, so he had an all-access pass for us. (Amelienborg is where the royal family lives, by the way!)


A view of the Marble Church from Amelienborg Square


The epitome of a (royal) man cave


A sort of Iron Throne!


Some pretty Christmas sights on my way to Danish (I was late).


Okay! I think that about covers it for my week before the London trip! London will be the next post. I am now back in Copenhagen. So yes. It is technically Monday the 23rd now, but I started it on the 20th! So there!


Venlig hilsen/ best regards/ cheers!


November 13, 2015 – The Royal Danish Opera

Okay. First, I have to talk about the Royal Danish Opera! Because I don’t…… Wow. Sorry. I stopped mid-sentence there about ten hours ago and have absolutely no idea where I was going with that sentence. This is awkward.


But here! It’s a dress from one of the Danish Opera’s first renditions of La Triviata. The show was beautiful, and obviously the performers were amazing. I personally loved watching the conductor and listening to the music, because it was pretty hard to follow the story line considering the singing was in Italian and the subtitles were in Danish. (A little LCD screen popped up above the stage with the subtitles.) During each intermission (there were four), we took turns exchanging what we understood and what we guessed was going on. It was pretty fun, to say the least. And champagne during the last intermission!


The hallway! We got a little backstage tour before the show, but the tour was conducted in Danish, so it was about as easy to follow as the show itself. I missed the number, but apparently these chandeliers go for quite the hefty price. I couldn’t take pictures inside the theater because of copyright laws (silliest thing ever), but you’ll just have to try it out for yourself sometime. Thank you, Scan|Design for a wonderful night and a great cultural experience!


I’ll follow up with a more up-to-date post.


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


November 3, 2015 – Post-Travel Extravaganza

Golly goodness; it’s really kickin’ in. The bags under my eyes have certainly put on some weight in the past few weeks. Sometimes it’s because of all the fun I’m having. Sometimes it’s because of all the reading and writing I’m doing.


Speaking of which, I’m doing NaNoWriMo! Or I’m trying to, at least. NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, and the idea is to write a 50,000 word novel, or the first 50,000 words of a larger novel, during the thirty days of November. It’s pure evil. I’ve tried it several times and failed miserably over and over again. But I don’t know. This time could be different. I certainly have lots of stuff to write about! So far, I’ve started a little study-abroad novel. Original, I know. However, to do a little twist on it, I’m doing it from the perspective of my younger sister (sort of) as she journeys through her own study abroad two years after me. Funny thing that she ends up doing the same program. (Convenient, eh?) So yeah. I’ve got… a bit over 3,500 words now, so I’m actually behind schedule already. *sigh. Wish me luck!


Okay. What fun things have I been up to since my grand return from the Great Beyond (AKA: Iceland)? I honestly don’t remember too well. I’ve been pretty wrapped up in school work the past ten days, and I get to go to the opera tomorrow, so that’s all I’ve been able to think about. My very first opera! Eep!


Oh yes! Last Wednesday, I got to visit Fredericksborg Castle again, this time with my Creative Travel Writing class. The sun was shining, the wind was punishing, and the guide was adorable. He also looked pretty much exactly like Jackson, but with hipster glasses and a mustache. Very strange… But the castle was definitely better with a guide. I learned so much that I had just glanced over the last time!



Isn’t it pretty?! They actually had the fountain on this time! The first time I visited, the fountain was shut down for maintenance and the water was covered in a thick layer of green algae and muck. It was disgusting. I think they were still running tests, though, because the water kept turning on and off. It caught a little girl by surprise and soaked her through. Tehe.


The Jackson look-alike pointing out the shields lining much of the castle walls- The shields represent the “orders” awarded to various people (kind of like a knighting, if that’s the term?). Fun tidbit: a person can only keep their… award? badge? medal? (I was unclear about that) until they pass away, because the state only has so many. When they die, the order is returned to Denmark. Therefore, in order to ensure that the order will be returned, an order/ knighthood must be given to Denmark as well, and they’ll do a bit of trade-sies. Because of this, Americans can’t receive Danish orders because they have nothing to exchange. The only American exception is Eisenhower for his duty as general during the war!


Ceilings (:


Queen Margrethe, current reigning monarch of Denmark


More ceilingsss


A royal bed! So pretty.


I stuck around after the rest of my class left so I could explore all the nooks and crannies of Fredericksborg on my own. In the process, I discovered a Steve McCurry exhibit that was being held on the ground floor. Steve McCurry is the photographer who captured that iconic Afghan Girl with the green eyes. I loved the exhibit! Most of the photos were from Middle Eastern and Asian countries, temples, slums, etc. New favorite photographer.


I spent Halloween at home with Sara and Mikayla. We baked banana bread and watched Interstellar (color me confused for most of that movie- I finally felt some closure and understanding by the end, though). We also had a total of four trick-or-treating groups. “Trick or treat” sounds so stinkin’ cute in Danish! Slik eller ballade. The first time a group said that, I asked Sara what they were saying, and she responded with, “Uhm… Candy or I’ll kill you or something?” Imagine my alarm. It was only when I said that was a lot more dramatic that “trick or treat” that she remembered slik eller ballade is pretty much a direct translation. At one point, a group of little girls came to the door, and instead of knocking, they just stood there and chanted: Slik eller ballade. Slik eller ballade. Slik eller ballade, until Sara opened the door. I could not get over it!


Oh! I also got to meet Sara and Maria’s grandma! She was so sweet! Her little apartment was covered in art, some of which she had painted herself, and she gave us mocha ice cream and tea. What more could you ask for? She also informed me that I will be missing some big Danish holiday next week while I’m in Trondheim. Nobody else had cared to mention this to me the whole time I’ve been here, but it seems sort of Thanksgiving-esque as far as the November, before-Christmas, get-together-with-family-and-eat idea goes.



We actually went over there to deliver a jack-o-lantern that Sara had carved. Tehe. It got stuck in the bike basket and was a struggle to get out. She liked it, though!


Her decorations also gave me some ideas for when I get my hands on my bike back in Seattle… (;


Today, I had Danish class in Christiania, believe it or not. We got a tour from a man who has lived there since 1989, and it was a lot less scary in a group of American students, let me tell you. He told us all about the businesses and goings-on in Christiania aside from the Green Light District, which is apparently known as Pusher Street. I’ll try to brave it again in December for the Christmas Market.



Graffiti in Christiania


Indoor/ outdoor skate park in Christiania


Alrighty! No class tomorrow, so I have to finish a big essay for my Rome class before heading out to the opera! I’ll let you know how it goes!!! Eeep!


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


October 16, 2015 – A Break From Blogging

Hello party peoples. Slash Mom and Dad.


I come to you with sad news. I have no time to blog! It sucks. I want to. I have so many adventures and plans that I want to share with the world, but so little time to share it all. I’ll do a sum-up of my busy life:

  • Wednesday, I had another trip to my favorite museum, the Danish National Gallery, for a study tour with European Art. Man, I love that place.
  • That night, I got around four hours of sleep writing an essay and studying for a final exam in Classical and Renaissance Rome (I think I did okay)
  • Thursday, Rome exam and a really early meeting with The Iceland Gang to finalize the plan. We are set! And broke!
  • That night, I got another healthy four hours of sleep studying for two midterms that I had today (Friday)
  • Friday morning: walking tour with Royalty in the Land of Equality. It was cold. I could feel the heat seeping out of my legs like the air around me was starving for warmth. I NEED HEAT, TOO, BUDDY. My toes were also numb by the end of it. I’ll have to triple-sock it during my glacier adventures in Iceland, I suppose, as I was already wearing two pairs today.
  • Then Danish midterm. I forgot two history questions, but I think the rest went well? I was also late. *sigh
  • Then Art midterm. I feel good about that one. We’ll see.
  • I ran to the train, read some more of The Martian along the way, and took a 2.5 hour nap upon arriving home.
  • I cleaned, I packed, I ate, I finished another essay.
  • I’m waking up in seven hours to leave for Rome on a plane at 8am. I’ll be heading for Iceland on Wednesday after a quick layover in Copenhagen. I’ll get back to Copenhagen Sunday night and may possibly go into hibernation. Hopefully, my teachers won’t mind.


So basically, that was my week. Don’t count on any blogs until mid-week of my return from travel, because my activity schedule is so jam-packed until then that I’ll barely have time to breathe. (I definitely will not be sleeping.) A surprise post may appear while in Iceland, depending on the wifi quality in the airbnb…




Oh! I also went swing dancing on Tuesday night with Maia! It was fun, way too crowded, and awkward because of all the cafe-goers who were watching us in bewilderment. But still a great time. We’ll probably go back! Yay!


Some shadow art in the Eckersberg exhibit at the National Gallery (:


Okay, I thought I had more pictures, but apparently I didn’t. I could post a really unflattering selfie I sent to a few people after that first four-hour-sleep night, but I’ll spare you.




Venlig hilsen/ I migliori auguri/ Með kveðju/ best regards,


October 12, 2015 – Autumn is Here

It was rough getting up today, let me tell you. We have reached that time of year where I am forced to get up before the sun on a daily basis. It is horrible. And to make it worse, I was the only one up this morning because the girls are on their fall break! Which also means a lot of the trains are taking a break this week. Yay! (By which I mean Boo!)


But that’s okay (for now) because I had a pretty fantastic weekend.


On Friday, I slept in a bit because of a canceled class and had a field trip to the Glyptotek for European Art. It was my second time there. A few days ago, whilst discussing my many museum and artistic adventures, I actually had somebody say to me, “So you must be really cultured, huh?” Did I deny this? Of course not. I just finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, after all.


Here’s one of my favorite sculptures that we saw. It’s Medusa about to have her head chopped off by Perseus, who would then use her head as a weapon (as it still had the ability to turn people to stone afterwards.) Intense, right? Most of the other sculptures and paintings of the subject show Perseus with Medusa’s head after it has been hacked off. I think I like this one better. Less gore, more emotion.


That night, my Danish class put together a little party before Kulturnatten, Copenhagen’s big once-a-year Culture Night that spreads throughout the city and clogs the public transportation systems well into the evening. I met up with some girls from my core class, and we explored the Botanical Gardens, saw the nighttime city skyline from atop the Round Tower, and had a mini baking class back at Meyer’s Madhus, where I had the sausage-cooking class on Wednesday.


Look at our adorable cinnamon rolls! I’m not sure why our hands look so weird, but believe me, they were delicious. (The rolls, not the hands.)


Oh. We also decided it would be a great idea to check out H.C. Anderson’s graveyard while we were in the neighborhood. Needless to say, it was terrifying, and we participated in a lot of unnecessary shrieking and jumping.


On Saturday, I met up with Tessa, Abbi, and Erin, who will from now on be referred to as The Iceland Gang. Because we are going to Iceland. In… eleven days. Holy cats. We decided to go to Tivoli, because that seemed like the most reasonable and productive place to plan a multi-day trip abroad that will end up costing us hundreds of dollars. (After some calculations: the absolute minimum cost per person after flights and lodging, if we eat nothing but bread and cheese and send zero postcards, will be $800.)


Isn’t it pretty? That stupid bus wouldn’t leave, though.


There was a little musical I wanted to go to inside Tivoli, but none of the girls were interested, so I just used the extra money to buy a season’s pass. I am spontaneous.


The place was all decked out for Halloween, and it really made me want to watch Hocus Pocus. The big swing ride even had brooms attached to the underside, so it looked like everybody was a wizard. Actually genius. Also pictured is a contestant in the giant pumpkin contest, which made me extremely homesick for the Puyallup Fair. *sigh.


Also, is this not positively adorable? Who came up with this? I demand that they decorate my room.



We also got a little performance from the Youth Guard. ‘Twas adorable.


At one point, the air got really murky and I asked, “Where’s this smoke coming from?” One of the girls replied, “From that cauldron.” Tessa: “Casually.”


On Sunday, Sara and I went for a little hike/ walk on some trails on the other side of the neighborhood. It was so pretty, and I wish I had known about them earlier!


I dawned my choice hiking attire for the occasion, of course.


And Sara made sure to get some directing in.


I finished up the weekend with some swing dancing. It’s been too long, and I’ll miss the next two weeks, at least. Apparently there is even a big swing weekend I’ll miss while I’m in Iceland. Sad life… On the bright side, I’m trying out a new venue tomorrow with Maia! I’ll let you know how it goes.


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


October 8, 2015 – I’m Siiiiiiiiick (And Jackson Adventures Part II)

It has happened. Inevitably, that point in the school year has approached when my life is just too busy or too exciting or too sleepless or too homework-heavy or too exhausting for my body to handle. After a week in Sweden and a weekend with The Significant Other and ten nights of Not Enough Sleep, my body has given up. Rather than sending a postcard or a letter of resignation, though, my immune system has decided to send a kindly message in the form of snot and tiny ravenous monsters with enormously sharp claws that seem to have lodged themselves in my throat two mornings ago. This is it. This is the end.


I mean, not really. Luckily (kind of, more on that later), one of my classes was canceled Tuesday morning, so I only had two classes to consider skipping. Though it was only the first day of sickness, and I knew there could be worse yet to come, I decided sleep and rest was the only way to aid in my recovery. I sent some emails and canceled swing dancing (again… sigh…) before crawling back in bed to drink tea and watch the last half of Sleepless in Seattle.


And it paid off! I felt about a million times better, by sick standards, when I woke up Wednesday morning. I’m at about the same now as I was yesterday, with frequent nose-blowing and infrequent coughing, but it could be a lot worse. I am quite proud of myself and my ability to make tea.


Let’s back up to the weekend:

When I arrived back in Denmark Friday night, Jackson was already here and ready for adventure! And by “adventure,” I mean “a weekend of inactivity.” It was actually the best. We only really did the types of activities one would do on a weekend at home, rather than on a weekend abroad. It was relaxing and wonderful.


Saturday, we only left the house to walk to the grocery store. Then we spent the day baking baking and watching You’ve Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. ‘Twas adorbs.


Note the excitement on my face. I’m still trying to finish this cheesecake!


Sunday, I had these big plans to explore Roskilde, a town over to the West of Copenhagen that is home to several historical museums, a viking ship museum, and a cathedral. Unfortunately, the trains kept getting canceled while we waited, and then once we finally got on the right one, I ensured that we depart one stop too early. Long story short, the 1.5 hour trip ended up lasting closer to three. By the time we got there, we were starving, but once we finished dinner, all of the museums and attractions were closed. So basically we are the Best Tourists Ever. We did manage to stumble into the cathedral after visiting hours to listen to the local boys choir sing, though. It was positively amazing, as most boys choirs are. Gosh, I can’t even explain it. The acoustics, the decor… I can’t.


The inside


The outside!


Monday, I brought Jackson along with me to Creative Travel Writing, and my professor told him he could only stay if he participated. He took this a bit out of hand and ended up talking more than any other single person in the class. Yeah. Never taking him out again. One of my friends in the class told me this afternoon that she would have left her boyfriend in the hall. Ha! Then we wandered around, ate random food, ordered hot chocolate in Danish (I was so close! I just forgot how to say “whipped cream!”), and then we watched a movie in the library. I know, I know. Party animals, we are.


There were also various photo shoots:


The royal stables with Christiansborg in the background


The changing of the guard in front of Amelianborg Palace


Riding bikes


My love bug next to the neighborhood Love Bug. HA! Wow, that was gross. I don’t actually call him that, I swear.


The LEGO store


And random dancing. Because sometimes, you just gotta dance.


And then he left! Gah! Next stop is Paris in November. (:


Wednesday, I braved the sickness and wrapped myself in as many layers as my rain jacket would permit, and then I tried commuting via bike for the first time. Won’t be doing that again. I rushed to get to the train, got there just in time, arrived to a bike car that was totally full so that I had to stand in the passageway for the full 25 minutes with my bike, panting and sweating profusely and unable to take off any jackets for fear of my bicycle toppling over. But wait, it gets better: when I arrived at Nørreport Station, I discovered that there are no bike tracks on the stairs, because it is technically against the rules to use a bike on the train at this station. I had to carry my bike up two or three or ten flights of steps (it’s all a blur, really), ride down Nørregade alongside cars, pedestrians, and construction (there are no bike lanes on this street for some reason), and then find some illegal parking near my classroom. It was quite the adventure.



The day was fun, though. My Sustainable Development course had a bike tour around Copenhagen led by Bianca Hermansen, a ridiculously cool urban planner and bicycle infrastructure fanatic:


Note the dress, flowing sweaters, and stiletto boots. This woman is amazing. She was also holding a latte for the first stretch of the tour.



Some bike paths in the area. This is one of the paths Bianca deemed to be less-than-perfect. (Can you believe that?)


I went home for a few hours to do some homework and be warm before heading back out into the cold for a cooking course with Scan|Design. They seriously coordinate the best events.


These are the ingredients for the dressings of the Danish “hot dogs” that we made. They were not hot dogs at all, but apparently that is what Danes call sausages once they are all done-up with the buns and dressings. I was on the home-made ketchup and mustard team. We also made fried onions, fresh buns (soooo squishy!), remoulade sauce, pickled cucumbers, and the sausages themselves. We had to stuff actual pork into actual lamb intestines. I tried and failed on my first one. Oh well!


Here’s Angel doing some of the dirty work while I was drinking cider and champagne!


Natalie doing the cooking. OH CRAP!!!! I just realized that they told us we could take the aprons, and when I ran out to catch my bus, I was in such a rush that I didn’t grab one. Hmph…… This is sad.


But check out that hot dog, am I right?


So yes. I would chalk this up as a successful week, despite being sick. Tomorrow, I’ll be visiting the Glyptotek again with my European Art class before partaking in Copenhagen’s Culture Night!!! I am so excited and have no idea what it is about, but I’ll be sure to give details once all is said and done. Until then…


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,


September 26, 2015 – The Royal Danish Ballet

The ballet was wonderful! More modern than ballet in many aspects, but fantastic nonetheless. A great way to spend a Friday night, though I didn’t get home until after midnight! (Granted, that was way before either of my host sisters… Tehe.)



Our view from the second etage inside Det Kongelige Teater, or The Royal Theater.


There were three pieces, and they each lasted nearly an hour. It was a long night, but I was never tired while watching. The lighting was fantastic. Our seats were fantastic. The musicality was fantastic. The choreography was fantastic (albeit a tad strange and quite mature at times). The male dancers finished every piece dripping with sweat, which gave the performance a very real aspect compared to showcases such as Swan Lake, where perfection and idealism is key. Also, the third piece was accompanied by an orchestra, which was fantastic.



In the middle of the second piece, the lead female dancer began a solo improv around the other dancers, while they sat/ stood frozen and silent, and she created a huge wailing ruckus. Then she stood at the edge of the stage and began a string of rapid Danish before stripping suddenly to just panties and socks. She then lay on the stage panting for at least a minute while the audience and her fellow dancers stared at her in an edge-of-seat quiet. Then she sat up and got dressed again while speaking yet more Danish. The dance continued while I sat clueless and wishing that I knew a bit more Danish besides introductions and information about my studies.


But all was well because the audience was served free champagne in between the first and second piece.


Step up your game, PNB! Ha. Just kidding. I wouldn’t have been able to drink it yet back home anyway.


As a final remark, I present the Queen’s box and the theater ceiling:

IMG_20150925_194715912  IMG_20150925_194636233_HDR


Alrighty, time to finish up some homework and pack away my stuff for Stockholm! Woot! Woot!


Venlig hilsen/ best regards,
