About A Lizard

Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad! And hello to any other lovely people who may happen upon this little blog of mine. This blog has been with me for several years now. I started it when I studied abroad in Copenhagen, and I haven’t been able to stop (writing or travelling) since! I also have a closer to home blog about my adventures within the fifty states, but that one’s honestly pretty neglected.

Here’s a little history of my travels in case you would like to jump around and explore the evolution of my travel and writing style, or the changing lengths of my crazy hair:

  1. I studied Sustainability, Danish, Danish culture/ history, and some other fun art and writing classes in Copenhagen, Denmark for four months in 2015. This was my first big adventure and the inspiration for the blog! See my first post for more details on the glamorous adventure and impending danger that is Lizzy With a Passport.
  2. Once bitten by the travel bug, I spent most of the winter and spring back in Seattle pining for more, so I bought a roundtrip ticket for most of the month of September 2016. This was my second trip abroad, and it was jam-packed with cities and countries, many of which were new to me. This was also my Big Solo Trip, because I went all by my lonesome. I did manage to make a few trusty friends along the way, though, and I visited my host family from when I was in Denmark. So not so lonely, after all. This trip is still as yet un-finished with regard to the blog. I’ll get to the second half one of these days.
  3. Ever the impulsive one (when it comes to buying plane tickets), I decided I’d spend another month in Europe during June and July of 2017. I bought these plane tickets right after getting a job all settled to return to in Seattle, which was about two weeks before departure. Ha! Ultimate crazy. This was meant to be another solo trip, but I actually only spent about five days by myself. So many people I knew were in Europe or were willing to go there with me! I saw friends, cousins, and my Danish family again. It was also very hot always.
  4. My next trip was a little less extravagant and lengthy than the others, but it was still much the same in terms of impulsive flight purchases. Having a real job means I don’t have access to long breaks, so I took advantage of those paid holidays around the New Year. This was a short-and-sweet ten day trip with Mama and The Boy, and it was mostly about showing some of my favorite people some of my favorite places in the world! It was also very cold always.
  5. Baby sister Sara surprised us all by studying abroad in Paris for the month of August in 2018, and I couldn’t bear to let her go alone! Mama and I visited for a week, and I made sure to take her (and Mama) outside of the Paris limits.
  6. In December 2018, I missed a flight that caused me to rethink my whole life, and in January 2019, I quit my job and set off on the six-and-a-half-week trip that would be the start to my quarter life crisis. Mostly Europe; a little Taiwan. Highly recommend.
  7. I got home from my longest nomad trip ever, “rested” for a month, and then was swept away again. The problem here is that I am very spontaneous about my travel planning, but with no job, there’s nothing to stop me from setting off and out again and again! So I got a couple ideas together, and it was off to the UK with a stopover in New York. This trip was a bit shorter (nineteen days), but it was nearly as adventure-packed as the last. Plus, it ended with a wedding in a castle!
  8. Two weeks after returning from Whales, I (somewhat reluctantly) hopped on yet another plane — this time, to Japan! My home base was with my friend Chris who lived just outside Tokyo, but my cousins were also romping around Japan during this time, so I was able to join in on lots of their adventures, too. Such fun! And this marked the end to my “funemployment,” as I had a job interview and a job offer the day after my return. Oof. Time for a little vacation from my vacation, unfortunately!
  9. Now, I’m one of the rare people who actually enjoys Seattle weather, but in an effort to escape it, I went to Australia for two weeks in February 2020. This was the tail end of a horrible Australian wildfire season and the very beginning of Covid-19, so it was a strange time, indeed! I’m so glad I got that last trip in before the world shut down, though.
  10. As the world was emerging from Covid, I was bitten by a Yoga Bug. I decided to join my local yoga studio on a retreat to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where I was certified as an aerial yoga instructor! I also stuck around for a few more days to explore the city proper.
  11. When I was promoted at my job, I got a couple weeks off and took my new boo to Vietnam for a tropical vacation. It honestly felt like a honeymoon. Very romantic. Lots of cocktails. Crazy hotels. Long hikes.
  12. Nine months later, tech got mean and laid a bunch of people off. I was one of those people. So I did the only thing I know how, and I bought a plane ticket to Europe for six weeks. I surprised myself, though, by cutting the trip short after four. I just don’t have the same gusto as I used to! I still like to travel – don’t get me wrong. But I don’t have that same…. ache to do it all the time. The perils of aging! Lol.

There are still lots of old stories to tell, so stay tuned for updates, and thanks for reading, guys!

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